For the past four months, the Jupyter developers – in collaboration with Rackspace, Nature, and O’Reilly Media – have been working on several experiments to give developers, data scientists, and researchers instant access to IPython Notebooks. Our biggest experiment so far was a demo with Nature. The journal published an...

It’s about time I write about tmpnb, a project the Jupyter/IPython developers have been working on. Brian Granger, one of the project leads, has been asking me over the past few months about enabling some more ambitious use cases of our Docker containers within IPython and Jupyter: Provisioned notebooks for...

Can we stop saying NoSQL? I’m really tired of describing things by what they’re not. I’d much rather describe them by what they are. “This is a JSON document store” “This is an object store” “This is a key-value store” “This is a graph database” “This is a distributed table”...

Hijacking the IPython Notebook’s WebSockets TL; DR On IPython ≤ 1.1, the Notebook server suffered from a flaw where it did not verify the origin of websocket requests. An attacker with knowledge of an active IPython kernel ID could run arbitrary code on a user’s machine with the privileges of...

Just for fun, I decided to launch a new Linux server and run rm -rf / as root to see what remains. As I found out, rm lives in the future with idiots like me, so you have to specify --no-preserve-root to kick this exercise off. # rm -rf --no-preserve-root...